A Sweet Lovely Read
Derek Haines is a born writer and I never know what to expect from him except to expect the unexpected.
One Last Love by Derek Haines is a sweet, lovely read and I highly recommend it.
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Certain lines stay with after you've finished reading a book. Every book has its own memory. That I completed the book in less than 24 hours should give you a hint how gripping it was. Never a pretty read but a stunning work of reality. Beneath all the `ugliness' (as the author points out) one appreciates the sensitivity of the characters. Not quite perfect, but undoubtedly human. With flaws, regrets, qualities and scars as anyone else. Life, of course, goes on and Hope, at the end of the day, is the fuel we all need to survive. The author makes it clear at the beginning with: "A story that may surprise, offend or shock, but will certainly not be forgotten." He is, as always, correct.
Picking up a book about reality in its most honest form is never easy. Thinking that some people actually go through all that is even harder. Perhaps it isn't a mystery that fantasy sells so well. We all seek the unreal to avoid `ugly' reality. Those caught up in that reality are shady figures. Sometimes books like these are needed for a dose of reality. To tell the stories about the shady figures that we neglect or forget to care about. A page turner, as all his other books, this author can always connect with you. His characters stay with you. You can almost watch them in your head. That is how strong an effect he has with his writing. His word play and mixing of the visual element with the overall mood is stunning too. You might even be tempted to reread some portions that are truly emotive. Then you'd keep going back to it. One cannot help but appreciate the act of bravery that this book is. A memorable read! I still think this is the best book he has authored yet. |
Karin Cornelsen reviewed Milo Moon
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When it comes down to an edge-of-your-seat action, conspiracy theory mystery, Milo Moon most definitely packs a punch, and so far it has delivered. It has everything you need for a good novel. I am a fan of conspiracy theory novels, because it is so easy for me to get caught up in the mystery and intrigue and getting lost between the lines of fiction and fantasy.
The action begins on the very first page, but continues to build throughout the story, creating mystery and deception. Milo and Mary Seaton become entwined in an international conspiracy plot, as well as victims of political anarchy, as a secret is revealed by the Swiss government. The author has created strong characters and rich story-telling. The action scenes were probably my favorite part of this book. The way Haines walks you through the intense story-line makes you feel like it is being played out right in front of you. |
Robin Moore reviewed Louis
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LOUIS by Derek Haines is a gripping novel portraying the lifetime of a spy. I definitely found it fascinating. Loved the complexities of the turns in Louis's life. The changes portrayed as Louis adapts his identities over and over to accomodate his life as a spy, grip the reader with an intimate look at a lifestyle most of us wouldn't dare to choose. A life he didn't choose, but it chose him. His adventures through the decades also portrays the changing of eras. A must read, yet suave James Bond he isn't. Louis is much more subtle and feeling.
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I'm not normally a sci-fi fan (except for movies) however, after reading Derek Haines book "Louis" I began searching for more of his titles. And really, this story could be set in any place and anytime to be a true gem so even if you're not a sci-fi fan, you'll find this to be an excellent read.
Haines is an extremely talented writer and seems to be able to enter any genre and knock out an extremely enjoyable story. If you haven't read any of Haines' work, pick up Louis or February the Fifth and you'll immediately become a fan. February the Fifth is a fun galactic journey of a boy trying to discover what it takes to become the man he needs to be to lead his kingdom. Feb meets some very unique characters along the way while engaging in some very memorable good (and not so good) times. Like Haines' other book, the character development is unparalleled. This is truly a witty tale with wonderful descriptions, great comedy and very memorable characters. |
Ms. Eden reviewed One Last Love
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One Last Love, by author Derek Haines, is a beautiful, bitter-sweet love story that also touches on the reminder of death and dying. This well-written tale manages to run the gamut of emotions, from humorous to despair to grim resignation. Haines manages to draw back the curtain and reveal what runs through the human mind when faced with the inevitable end of life. While death is a journey one must truly face alone, the author gives his characters a brief respite, and shows that indeed, the "love of a lifetime" can be one that is measured in days rather than years. I look forward to reading more from this talented writer. Well done.
B. Matthews "B. Matthews" reviewed Louis
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First, I should say that I am a sucker for a good spy book. However, this one was unlike anything else I've read. Louis is like James Bond without all the show. Yes, he's savvy. But this book presents Louis as a real person--someone you can't help but like, feel sorry for and relate to. This was a true page turner--gripping from the very first page. I especially enjoyed the modern history aspect and the great details of Louis' travels amongst historic events (two world wars and more). One of the best reads I've had in a while.
Ariana R. reviewed One Last Love
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One Last Love is at once uplifting and a tearjerker, with Bonnie's unflappable sense of humor carrying him through a grim prognosis and the painful years that followed. The writing is lyrical, the dialogue warm and eminently readable- not one character utters an uninteresting line in the whole book. A magic chronicle of second chances and a life examined as death inches closer, this is a great story of a man who suffered affliction with true courage. Bonnie's relationship with his wife and second chance at love resonates in the context of his illness and will be inspiring to anyone who has ever lost a loved one in death. Derek Haines is a gifted writer, with crisp, clever dialogue and powerful emotion refreshingly free of overly sentimental treatment. This examines the idiosyncrasies of love in a whole new way and will be a book you'll read over and over.
ForTheQuinn reviewed One Last Love
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In this book, author Derek Haines presents us with a unique and memorable protagonist that it's easy to connect with right away. Bonnie is a tough man who has had a difficult life, but as the story develops and his hard shell is stripped away, the sensitive man underneath comes into view. The pace of the story works perfectly, painting a beautiful picture of the character's life and the heartwarming romance that comes to him in his final years. It's a warm, poignant love story that brings a smile to your face and leaves you feeling wiser for having read it.
Charles Findlay reviewed One Last Love
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While I knew the book couldn't have a happily ever after in the traditional romance genre sense, I had high expectations when I started reading this. Fortunately I was well satisfied. Without giving away any spoilers, I was pleased on how engaging the hero/heroine interacted with each other and their feelings developed realistically. A level of believability stayed constant throughout the story and it never veered off into the absurd that some romance books do. A solid amount of dialogue mixed in with appropriate setting and I enjoyed it from start to finish.
Well worth reading Notice: I was offered a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. |
Suzanne Nielsen reviewed One Last Love
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One Last Love is a beautifully written book by Derek Haines. The main character, Bonnie, comes to terms with his life after he is diagnosed with a terminal illness. He is forced to examine how he has lived his life and come face-to-face with his checkered past.
The story is well thought out. It has depth, credibility, and insight into facing ones mortality. It really tugged on my heart strings. I won't talk about the story line, because I don't want to give too much away, so you will just have to read it for yourself. It is a powerful story, as it lingered in my mind even after I finished reading it. The author wrote in such a way that, for me, evoked strong, deep emotions, which triggered inner reflection, and in my case, healing a part of my past. This is a great book to include in your Kindle collection, and you can't go wrong with the price. I highly recommend. |
Juliet C. Obodo reviewed One Last Love
2 of 2 people found the following helpful
This book was amazing. The story was written so beautifully, but in a way that was realistic and touching rather than fluffed up and commercialized. Human emotion alone is entertaining and mystifying enough that you don't need formulaic plots with common twists. This book avoids the trap that a lot of novels fall in to. You feel for Bonnie even as your chiding him for his stubbornness and sometimes ignorance. You root for him and all the characters in their race/ search for one last love. A simple love that isn't just romantic, but natural and true.
NickTrott reviewed Vandalism Of Words
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'Vadalism of Words' is a gem. Honestly, there is something in Derek's writings for everyone. Observations on beer, food, cooking, Aussies, the Swiss, rugby, cricket, dogs and etc. And a peppering of lessons on grammar and the structure of english. If only it was taught like that at school! No hesitation in giving this read 5 STARS!!! And I haven't even finished it yet.