An enjoyable read
Review by jenku
This review is for: Milo Moon (Paperback)
Not usually in the genre I use to read, this book was a pleasant surprise. The story starts a little science-fictionish, but soon develops into a political thriller that kept me hooked all the way through. It is well written in an easily flowing prose with lots of enjoyable dialogue.
An extra plus for naming someone Carruthers in an espionage context.
An enjoyable read
Reviewed by jenku
This review is from: Louis (Paperback)
"Louis" is the fascinating story about a man who had little choices in his life, yet lived a life many a young boy dreams of living. Raised from early childhood to become a spy, he is sent to places like Egypt, Switzerland, Palestine and South Africa. Still, his life is a lonely one, without the company of a woman or family. Whether it is all true or not doesn't really matter, it's a fascinating tale to read and Derek Haines' easy style of storytelling makes it a enjoyable read throughout.

A thought provoking read
Reviewed by Irish Eyes
This review is from: Nobody's Fault (Paperback) (Reissued as Dead Men)
This is a tale of three men all dealing with relationship breakdowns which in itself makes it very different. As a woman I found it fascinating to see things from the other side of the story and Haines gets across, in very raw, real, terms the anguish a man goes through when he has to relinquish his children. This is a book that you won't put down and forget but will mull over for sometime afterwards.....