Review by Jack Eason
HAL (Kindle)
Have you ever pondered the exact meaning of the words human and god?
Well in the whacky world of Gloth, human stands for - Hybridised Uniform Manipulation And Naturalisation, while god simply means - Glothic Oversight Detachment. What did you think it meant?
While this may come as a deep shock to those Erdeans- sorry Earthlings, of a naturally delicate disposition, take it from me, you ain’t seen anything yet!
I feel sorry for the illustrious members of the Camera Stellata, especially when poor Lord Ashtoke meets the real power behind Erde (Earth). Is it any wonder the man dies of a heart attack?
I think not!
And now we come to the subject of this book, Halbert Hoop - HAL for short.
Yikes Derek, have you completely lost your senses man! Hal becomes a member of the Camera Stellata? Surely you jest! Never was there a more unlikely candidate for great things than the bumbling, gangly, accident prone Halbert Hoop.
To console myself from the shock of this ghastly revelation, I turn your attention and mine to the extremely important subject of Glothic cuisine.
Turdling Hurdles for breakfast – simply delicious
Onglets of Tirdd and Yuretha Jus – pure heaven on a plate
Begrogrol fillets – totally divine
Whole poached Winkie Flyers, stuffed with fresh Krinquelain Faeces and a salad of Viddiam Lymph Glands – oh be still my beating heart
All of the above served with a glass or two of Fozzoxly, the Glothic equivalent of pure nectar.
Sadly the contents of the menu above are simply too good for the likes of common Erdeans such as you and I.
Before you think I have totally gone mad, why not read “HAL” for yourself. This hilarious sequel to “February the Fifth” shows Derek Haines at his absolute best.
Simply brilliant Derek, well done...
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