Reviewed by C.C.Cole
Review of Vandalism of Words (Kindle)
“Vandalism of Words” by Derek Haines reads like a collection of opinion columns by Derek on many things we experience in our everyday lives. He’s cynical, but carries his message with humor and clarity. I found it interesting that an Australian living in Switzerland has so much in common with others living a hemisphere away. He addresses everything to politics to usual family living acknowledging the imperfections of the world but at the same time not taking everything for granted. Heaven love him, he’s got an opinion and doesn’t mind saying so. Rock on, Derek, and congratulations, four stars!
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Delightfully quirky....
Review by Donna Carrick (Canada) - Author of The First Excellence
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: February The Fifth (Kindle Edition)
...insanely imaginative...intensely insightful...just plain fun.
Derek Haines employs all of his impressive writing skills in this fantastic tale of February, Supreme Potentate of the Twelve Sun System of Gloth.
I'm grateful to Amazon Kindle, which offers a platform for exciting authors like Haines to reach out to readers globally. Haines uses an elegant narrative style in this tale of February's rise to Royalty. If you enjoy a strange and eclectic story that is both beautifully crafted and "really out there", you will love this e-book.
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Reviewed by Joe Young
This is a review of Vandalism of Words (Kindle)
Goodreads Reader
Derek Haines has a definite twisted view of the world. I happen to like his views as he expresses them in this collection of what I imagine to be past blog posts. The life he describes seems idyllic and his approach to writing makes it seem like an ideal pursuit. I find it easy to embrace his views of political leaders and others in authority. I think I understand his anger with all things colonial and expect his taste for beer, great coffee and delightful food made with local fresh produce may stem from his Australian exposure.
I can only lament that he found a wage earning wife to support him, share in his eccentricities and supply him with a Swiss citizenship while I must still struggle through life. Pick up this book and treat yourself to the humorous ramblings and pointed examinations of mostly everything he chooses to expose himself to. I found myself smiling and nodding while I was reading and largely jealous of his ability to make such a rewarding "Big" life for himself and his readers. I'm amazed he can think these "Deep" thoughts and not completely distract himself from his writing.
I highly recommend this read.
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Weird, Warped and Wonderful
Reviewed by JustJan
Amazon Verified Purchase
Review of Vandalism of Words (Kindle)
This is a Sienfeld-style stream of consciousness that covers everything from mutton to skin rashes in the nether regions from the fabric softener. I did not burst out laughing at any point but I did chuckle softly on occasion. It is a peculiar and aimless rambling of an entertaining mind. I found myself nodding in agreement; snorting in disapproval; or raising an eyebrow inquisitively wondering how we arrived at such a thought. Between pondering how often he tipped the whiskey bottle and toying with entertaining adverbs, the author drops insightful tidbits. It is an interesting and entertaining look at everything and nothing at all.
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Intelligent fun
Reviewed by Winslow
An Uneducated View of Sex, Food and Politics (Paperback)
I enjoyed the originality, smartness, passion, and the ideas in this book. Because of the unusual style, it made me feel as though I really got to know the author. He made me feel as though we were spending time together and he was talking to ME. He comes across as someone who is funny, intelligent, thoughtful, and has deep feeling - someone all of us would like to know. I would definitely read anything else he wrote.
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Reviewed by Sriram Srinivasan
Vandalism of Words (Kindle)
Completed reading Vandalism of Words. It's funny, humorous, and made me laugh all the way. Also made me understand that an idiot is not equal to a fool :)
This is a collection of blog posts written by the author. He covers various topics from, food to politics to language. An easy read and one can complete this one in one sitting. I highly recommend Vandalism of Words.
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Review by Priyam
Louis (Paperback)
“The thing that strikes you about this book is that from the first page you get the idea how much the author researched for this. The amount of labour that must have gone into it must have been staggering. When they say books are things that help you see places you haven't really visited, I'm sure they are talking about a book like this. It is written in a very personal way which makes it very engaging. Another thing about the writing here is that even though the words don't really describe *everything*, you understand it because I guess that's how the author wanted it to be. Sometimes, things hidden are the things you notice first. In the end when you close the book, you remember that the author mentions in the beginning that it took him 40 years to write the book. Then you say to yourself that 40 years to polish a story like that was worth it. I loved it! :)”
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Loss, Limbo, Life and Love (Paperback)
Reviewed by Priyam
DO NOT read this book without a handkerchief *sniff*
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